Don't be scared of GIT merge anymore

GIT is hard : fixing merge conflicts could be a nightmare
and screwing up your repo is easy...


NOGIT : a powerful merge tools

NOGIT is a workflow with rich commands based on GIT that ease the way you manage your configuration. NOGIT is a new usage for your software development team.

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What is the difference with GITFLOW?

GIT usage generally entails a divergent arborescence of branches that you are not able to merge with master branch. NOGIT helps your team to converge during your development process.

GITFLOW is conflictual

It does not explain how to ro resolve conflicts.

GITFLOW is monoversion

It does not describe how to manage several versions in production.

GITFLOW is dual

It could be difficult to access production branch from the development branch.

NOGIT is consensual

It defines conflict commit in order to help you to deal with it.

NOGIT is multiversion

It generalizes branch management to accept several production branches.

NOGIT is unified

It unifies Dev and Prod without endangering production environment.

Ready to get started ?

NOGIT commands + documentation will help you or your team to save time and cost.